

This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured post 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

internet download manager 6.15patch

mungkin anda semua sudah tau aplikasi internet download manager.
kali ini saya akan membagikan patch internet download manager 6.15 langsung aja dengan klik download here

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

ModernUIstart for windows 8

KALI INI SAYA PUNYA POSTINGAN MENARIK UNTUK ANDA PENGUNJUNG INTERNET DAN BLOGGER, YAITU APLIKASI UNTUK WINDOWS 8 ModernUIstart for windows 8 aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengganti layar background start windows 8
ModernUIStart for Windows 8
sumber screenshoot:www.bagas31.com 

photoshop cs 5 trial jadi full version

Masih melanjutkan tentang tuturial cara instal  Adobe photoshop cs5 pada kesempatan kali ini aku akan melanjutkan kembali tutorial cara instal dan menjadikan software canggih Adobe photoshop cs5 yang trial version ini mnjadi full version selamanya. Mari ikuti tahap-tahapnya berikut ini:  Oea,  sebelumnya aku minta maaf karena pada tutorial kali ini aku menggunakan Adobe illustrator cs5 sebagai tutorialnya tapi santai saja sob karena cara instal untuk product Adobe cs5 family sama saja.yang berbeda cuma serialnya doank

Silahkan simak caranya berikut ini:

1.  Pertama kita buka folder file Adobe photoshop kemudian klik Set-up untuk menginstalnya. setelah muncul tampilan seperti gambar berikut ini, pada pilihan bahasa kita pilih  English (international) kemudian klik Accept untuk melanjutkan.

 2.  Akan muncul lagi gambar seperti dibawah ini..kita pilih Install this product as a trial.pada pilihan bahasa kita pilih lagi bahasa English international kemudian klik Next

3. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menginstal. klik saja Instal untuk melanjutkan penginstaln Adobe Photoshop sobat

4. Sekarang kita tinggal menunggu saja sampai proses penginstalan selesai. setelah selesai klik Done .Dan selanjutnya kita masuk pada tahap menjadikanya full version,caranya:

* Download serialnya dulu disini

* Putuskan koneksi internet sobat

* Jalankan program photoshop sobat

* Selanjutny akan  muncul jendela  pilihan yang meminta kita untuk memulai trial atau memasukan serial productnya.pilih saja untuk memasukan serialnya lalu pastekan/masukan serial yang sudah sobat download tadi. kemudian.klik next..
 Selamat sekarang photoshop sobat sudah full version...

    Oea..sepengetahuan dan sepengalaman saya untuk penggunaan serial nomormempunyai beberapa kelemahan diantaranya

* Bila kita menjalankan program photoshop disaat komputer kita sedang terkoneksi ke internet maka secara otomatis photoshop kita akan terdeteksi kalau  menggunakan serial bajakan dan selanjutnya photoshop kita akan kembali lagi pada masa trial.
* Susah untuk mendapatkan serial nomor bajakan yang asli dan hanya sedikit sekali serial nomor yang valid walaupun di internet banyak yang menyediakan  keygen untuk photoshop cs5 tapi sepengetahuan saya dak ada yang cocok, rata-rata invalid semua.

     Untuk mengatasi hal seperti diatas saya mensiasatinya dengan menggunakancrack/patch untuk menjadikan Photoshop cs5 full version. Dengan menggunakancrack/patch  kita bisa menjalankanya program photoshop cs5  walaupun sedang online dan kita tidak kuatir kalu photoshop kita akan terdeteksi menggunakan serial nomor bajakan lalu kembali lagi ke trial version. tapi terserah sobat mau yang mana,kalu sobat mau ngikuti cara saya berikut ini caranya.

1.  Pertama sobat download dulu crack/patchnya disini  setelah selesai sobat download cracknya kemudian extract karena masih dalam bentuk file rar. selanjutnya kita buka cracknya.
lihat gambar berikut ini:

2.  Setelah selesai  pada tahap pertama selanjutnya tinggal kita salin file amtlib.dll ke folder penginstalan photoshop. biasanya secara default  folder penginstalan Adobe photoshop cs5 berada
di drive C > Program files > Adobe > Adobe photoshop cs5

3.  Jika muncul perintah  untuk meminta konfirmasi seperti gambar dibawah ini klik saja"salin dan ganti" 
Selesai...coba jalankan photoshop sobat,,takan ada lagi pesan dialog untuk melanjutkan trial version atau memasukan serial nomor.

Saya rasa itu saja sob, semoga bisa  membantu dan berhasil........

jaga kesehatan jantung

Kesehatan Jantung
Kesehatan Jantung
Maka jagalah jantung kita dari sekarang dengan beberapa tips, trik dan cara Menjaga Kesehatan Jantung berikut ini:

1. Bernafas.
Pernafasan dalam dan perlahan akan mengurangi beban kerja jantung, membuat jantung lebih kuat dan berkerja lebih efisien. mendapat cukup oksigen, mencegah hipertensi dan membuat jantung lebih awet.

2. Tidur.
Seseorang yang tidur hanya enam jam atau kurang dari enam jam dalam sehari akan beresiko memiliki banyak protein C - reactive yang berkaitan dengan penyakit jantung.

3. Jalan Kaki.
Melakukan jalan kaki dengan cepat selama tiga jam dalam seminggu akan menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit jantung koroner 30 - 40 %.

4. Buah.
Banyak mengkonsumsi buah akan membuat jantung sehat dan segar. Misalnya kita mengkonsumsi buah pisang yang akan membantu menurunkan darah tinggi dan menjaga otot jantung, atau buah jeruk, melon dan pepaya yang mengandung vitamin C yang baik untuk jantung.

5. Sayuran.
Berbagai macam sayuran yang baik untuk jantung misalnya bayam baik untuk kesehatan pembuluh darah arteri, brokoli yang berfungsi sebagai zat pelindung jantung, tomat yang berfungsi menjaga kerusakan pembuluh arteri.

6. Air Putih.
Memperbanyak minum air putih lebih dari lima gelas sehari akan dapat membantu
memperlancar konerja jantung dan darah lebih kental.

7. Senyum.
Senyum dan tawa akan memperlancar sirkulasi darah, mengurangi beban pembuluh darah dan mengurangi penyakit jantung.

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Menambahkan Meta Tag Description di Blogger

Blogger.com, sudah tampil dengan tampilan baru sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu. Bukan hanya pilihan tampilan blognya tetapi begitu pula dengan tampilan dasbornya. Sementara itu tampilan blogger yang baru tentu juga diikuti dengan tambahan fitur yang baru. Kali ini kita akan membahas fitur baru di blogspot yang ada di dasbor baru, yaitu menambahkan meta description. Meta tag description adalah memberikan deskripsi singkat yang akan terbaca oleh search engine (google).

Meta tag adalah elemen HTML digunakan untuk menyediakan data atau deskripsi terstruktur tentang halaman blog kita. Tag tersebut ditempatkan di bagian kepala (atas) dari dokumen HTML. Search Engine menggunakan data ini untuk menampilkan potongan pencarian ketika search engine menampilkan halaman dari blog kita. 

Sebagian besar button berbagi ke sosial media seperti Facebook Share atau Google+ (+1) Jika kita menggunakan button berbagi itu akan memilih hal ini meta description untuk membuat potongan (deskripsi) yang akan dibagi ke sosial media tersebut. Dengan menambahkan Meta Description yang berbeda di setiap entri sesuai dengan isinya akan membuat blog kita lebih optimal di search engine.

Cara Menambahkan Meta Tag Description

Jika di blog wordpress dengan hosting sendiri, sudah ada plugins yang tersedia. Di Blogger yang baru ini juga meluncurkan berbagai fitur SEO dan sekarang menambahkan Meta Tag Description telah menjadi begitu mudah. Kita dapat melakukannya dengan mudah dari User Interface Blogger (tampilan baru blogger) tanpa melakukan banyak mengedit template, berikut adalah caranya:

1. Login ke Blogger.com dan pastikan kamu dalam tampilan dasbor yang baru.
2. Pilih Setelan lau Preferensi penelusuran dan Aktifkan uraian penelusuran Meta Tag.
3. Tuliskan deskripsi yang menggambarkan secara umum isi blog kamu, maksimal 150 karakter.

4. Jika sudah klik Simpan Perubahan.

5. Menambahkan Meta Tag Description di Setiap Entri. 
Sekarang ketika kita membuat entri baru atau di halaman entri, kita dapat mengatur dan menuliskan Meta Description dengan cara mengatur Setelan Entri yang ada di sidebar. Kita tuliskan deskripsi singkat yang menggambar isi entri di Uraian Penelusuranmaksimal 150 karakter. Setalh selesai bisa kita publikasikan.

6. Sekarang kita harus menambahkan beberapa kode HTML untuk Template Blogger kita. Untuk melakukannya pilih Templatekemudian Edit HTML terus jangan lupa centang Expand Template Widget. Cari <head> dan bawahnya sisipkan kode berikut.

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

7. Simpan Template jika sudah selesai 

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Find Out The Best Way To Use Your Blog

Find Out The Best Way To Use Your Blog

By: Clemente Mahapatra
Word Count: 1178

Does the idea of online writing a blog intimidate you and create anxiety at the mere thought of it? There is no reason to feel this way, since blogging is a skill that can be developed with a little bit of effort and creativity. Take a look at the ideas presented here in this article, then move forward with confidence in creating your new blog postings.

Make it easy for readers to share your blog posts using their favorite social media outlets. These days, this can be done through standardized buttons that lets readers automatically syndicate all or part of your post's content to their favorite social media services and comment on them in real time.

Make your blog a primary source of information on the topic. With a simple read through your site, your viewer should feel like they have a thorough understanding of your niche. This will ensure that your readers will come back to your site when they have more questions on the topic.

In order to successfully run a blog, you need ideas. To help you get these ideas you should visit forums other forums and blogs. Also, a lot of the time the people who comment on your blog are great at generating new information that you might never have thought about before. To be relevant in today's running a blog world, you need to constantly come up with fresh material that people want.

When running a blog, you should make sure that you make your RSS feed as obvious as possible. You can not expect other readers to find it if it blends in with all the text in your blog. This is why you should put it in a prominent position on your blog, and try to make use of the orange RSS icon if possible.

Divide your blog into categories and subcategories so viewers can easily find your content. Not only will this make it easier for your viewers to locate information, but after you have accumulated enough content, you will have a much easier time keeping it sorted in your own inventory as well.

Choose a subject you know. Avoid picking a subject to blog about solely to fill a niche. A good niche is important; however attempting to sound knowledgeable on a topic you know nothing about is a recipe for disaster. Your readers, who usually know something on the subject, will quickly see through your attempts to sound like an authority and will turn away - never to return.

When running a blog, make sure that you ask open-ended questions. One of the most effective methods of getting people to respond to your posts is simply asking for it. Let your readers answer your questions by inviting them to respond with a comment. This makes them feel more engaged, which increases the odds that they'll stick with you.

Once your blog is established, have some guest posters write posts for your blog. This gives readers a fresh new perspective on your niche and allows you to benefit from knowledge you might not have. If you use your blog for marketing, you can use guest blog posting as a promotional tie-in. Ask to guest post on other popular blogs in exchange for promoting your blog, while allowing others to do the same on your blog.

An easy thing to do, that will assist your readers review pertinent material in your blog, is to include bullet points. These not only aid the reader in scanning, but will also break up your entry into a more easy to read piece. Make your bullets bold to enhance the ease of use as well.

When writing your blog posts, don't overlook quality while striving for quantity. While it is important to post on a regular, reliable schedule, be careful not to churn out poor-quality posts just to fill up your blog. Instead, take the time to do a thorough, well thought-out job that you can be proud of!

To run a successful blog you should focus on a particular niche. In order to make it work, you need to not only write good content, but you also need to promote your blog as well. One way to write and promote you blog is by taking a looking at other blogs in your niche and see what they are doing.


Always make sure that you allow users to leave comments on your blog. Disabling the comments will make users think that you do not care about their opinions and they will be less likely to visit your site again in the future. Also make sure that you respond to any comments made to you by visitors.

Your blog must offer compelling and unique content in order for it to be successful. For example, you should not simply provide news updates that can be found elsewhere. There are many blogs that already do this, and many of them are not successful. Make your blog stand out by offering your own unique opinions, or by creating content that cannot be found elsewhere.

Stick to running a blog about topics that you feel passionate about. When you can impart a love for the topic, your readers will sense your depth of understanding. This will build trust in your posts and opinions and cement your followers to your blog. As a trusted source of information, your readers will find it easy to share your blog.

Follow bloggers with similar interests and opinions, or even those that may polar opposites to your opinion. By interacting with your fellow bloggers, you can leverage this to gain more readers and followers for your blog. Establishing a relationship with these bloggers can also garner the ability to post links to your own blog on their pages as well.

An important part of having a blog is to voice your own opinions. Find a subject that you are truly interested in and are knowledgeable about and then put yourself out there. People like to hear the opinions of others. Opinions usually get a reaction and reactions garner readers and comments.

Always make sure that you allow users to leave comments on your blog. Disabling the comments will make users think that you do not care about their opinions and they will be less likely to visit your site again in the future. Also make sure that you respond to any comments made to you by visitors.

It is true that beginning to blog can be overwhelming at first. There are just so many decisions and options. There are many ways to create a successful blog. The information and tips from the above article were designed to help you create a blog that achieves your goals and gets your message to the masses.
Don't forget When You Could get a new opinions free-of-charge, But You Did not?research opinion poll
Article Source:

Blog Writing Made Simple

Blog Writing Made Simple

By: Fredricka Bate
Word Count: 605

There are many different ways that a blog can impact someone. If your intention is to try to influence others to your point of view, then writing a blog might be a great way to express yourself. Keep reading for helpful tips on ways to successfully engage your readers through blogging.Give your readers all of the different links to social networking sites they need to follow your blog easily. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites can be very helpful in getting your blog recognized and having it become successful. Using a portal will give you lots options to communicate and reach out to the readers and possibly draw more readers in.

As you create content, keep in mind that blogging requires a more personal writing style. A blog should have a social, fun format. It is important that you treat it as such. Part of building reader loyalty is providing unique content, but you should remember that a light, enjoyable tone will help encourage repeat visitors, too.

Focusing on your content ensures that you gain traffic through well written blog posts. You will get lots of repeat visitors is your content is interesting, useful and relatable.

Remember to select effective keywords which are unique and less competitive. If the keywords you choose are the same as those used by lots of other sites, your blog will be lost amongst all the other sites on the Internet. Aim for a unique niche to draw in the most readers.

Write a unique blog that stands out from everything that is already online. Readers will be attracted to unique content. Information which is tough to find has the same effect. Try to post about unusual pastimes or knowledge. Provide specifics of how widgets are made. Give the readers a good reason to visit your blog to find the information they want.

When first starting your blog, introduce yourself and tell the reader what your blog is all about. Make sure this material is presented right away. Use images to help readers get to know you, your beliefs and your interests. You do not need to put up a personal picture, but you do want to include visuals that are relevant to your subject and are reflective of your own personal vision for the site.Social media sites offer wonderful opportunities to increase traffic to your blog site. Social media is the newest technology on the internet, and if you are not in tune with what it has to offer, you are missing out on a big chunk of potential traffic to your blog. You should announce new posts on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.Whenever you can, make lists that include your keywords. Your site will become more accessible to search engines, and that will increase your traffic. This piece of advice is quite powerful and can help you in a number of ways.

Do not make too much use of keywords, ads, images or plug-ins on your blog. Such practices will have your blog flagged by search engines, which hurts your ranking and undoes your hard work. Make sure to write naturally in a way you would want to read.
As you probably already know, writing a blog is one of the most popular activities on the Internet. There are cat blogs, dog blogs, ice cream blogs and 1968 red Mustang blogs. Fortunately, the blogosphere has enough room for all. By using the knowledge you have gained from this article, your blog can be taken to the next level.
Much more valuable information about blog content, blogging tips, learn to blog, learn blogging onlineincluding creating and writing your blog can be found at LearnBloggingOnline
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